Losing Track & Getting It Back

First thing’s first, I have to announce that Blythe vs. the Werewolf’s update schedule has changed from “every other month” to ”when it’s good and ready.” When I first started posting it, of course I worried I’d have to do this eventually. But life happens, and all you can do is adjust! And it isn’t even bad life stuff! I’d picked up more hours at work for the summer, and I just haven’t been able… Read more Losing Track & Getting It Back

New Year, New Look, New Plans

Time to perform a little bit of necromancy on this site. It’s been two years since I last finished and posted a comic here. My attention’s just been elsewhere, especially after two moves in 2019 and an…eventful 2020. Still, I want to revive this place. I can’t make any promises about when I’ll have a new comic, but I have some (very) loose plans for the coming year. First off, I’m going to attempt keeping up… Read more New Year, New Look, New Plans